Here's what they are saying...
...about QUALITAS

Andrew Haggar, Lead Designer
Faldo Design, Cambodia

As the project moves into the construction phase, QPC initiates a formal preconstruction kick off meeting, bringing all the team members together for a final check of project responsibilities. Over several days team members will commit to timelines and responsibilities which will be incorporated into the critical path schedule and the project manual.
The cost control process moves from a budgeting phase to the active phase with financial and time expenditures measured against the pre developed budgets and schedules. QPC tenaciously monitors and enforces agreements using the customized management tools laid out in the documents that were developed in the preconstruction process.
Quality control is monitored and regularly spot checked. As is the quantity surveying and progress.
Planning for transition to opening and operations phase begins with vetting and selection of key staff, suppliers and other critical service providers.