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“Our unmatched experience and acutely detailed, all-encompassing approach that utilizes unique methods of research, analyzation, organization and administration is what sets us apart in Asia. Nobody is doing this”

- Sam Sakocius, President, Qualitas Project Control

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1. Inventory and Analysis Phase

The preliminary consultation begins with a site walk and client meeting. We address several goals during this phase. Primarily this includes development of a prioritized client “wish list” and obtaining a thorough understanding of the site’s unique opportunities and constraints. We offer our suggestions for what a site master plan might include through a written report including  a Project  Potential  Opinion  (PPO) and  an  initial  proposal  for comprehensive services.


Preliminary Investigation includes broad discovery of:

• Initial onsite review of the property

• Acquisition of boundary maps

• Acquisition of topography maps

• Geological information and restrictions

• Locate nearest utilities

• Egress and egress

• Climate

• Obvious flora and fauna

• Governmental restrictions

• Governmental permitting process

• Project Potential Opinion (PPO)

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2. Existing Conditions Plan Phase

Incorporating existing base plan information, a site survey and our own investigation. From this and in conjunction with the land planner, we develop and existing conditions document and graphic from which all further planning is based.


We strongly recommend obtaining a site survey produced by a licensed surveyor for clients who do not already have a plan of their property.


A site survey records all existing conditions to scale including property boundaries, utilities, easements, large vegetation and structures

• Detailed professional survey

• Comprehensive scaled plan of existing site conditions and features

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3. Concept Plan Phase

Upon completion of the existing conditions plan, we work with the client

to present and discuss design concepts including but not limited to:

• project financial goals

• specific problems

• member dialogue

We often return to the site for further study.  We welcome active client involvement.


Project goals are interwoven with the site’s opportunities and constraints including:

• grading

• drainage

• environmental

• logistical

• financial requirements

Through this process we initiate development of preliminary schematics that illustrate our concepts.


Refinements are developed based on client responses and feedback. Photographs and perspective sketches are often presented to clarify possible end results.


During this process, we recruit and begin to integrate with all key players on the project, especially the project civil engineer, to check in detail on local permit requirements and setbacks to ensure that all conceptual ideas are permissible.

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4. The Master Plan Phase (If Desired)

For existing clubs, we would suggest developing a long term master plan to serve as a guide for the future planning of maintaining and improving the golf courses.


The master plan is a detailed and notated drawing that maps out all new design elements on the property and integrates them with existing features. A complete master plan is the culmination of a collaborative effort. Each one also reflects our fundamental design philosophy and mission. Included during this phase is a refined preliminary construction estimate.

• Final layout of features

• Final design style renderings (If Applicable)

• Refined Budget

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5. Design Phase

The design Phase begins with planning the necessary design processes.  Using the previously established concept plan and budgets, we will coordinate with engineers and specialists (for instance, Irrigation, Water Feature, and Hardscaping if applicable) to assist in the execution of the project design.


Qualitas Project Control (QPC) will manage the overall process in coordination with the Owner’s representatives.  Final Budgets and tender documents will be developed in this phase. We will provide necessary data and guidance to the Owner to help achieve government requirements.

• Final Plans and Specifications

• Tender Documents

• Contract Structure including Milestone based payments and penalties, Rapid Non Performance Escape Clause, A modified EVM Payment Structure that ties Progress/EV to CPM schedule.

• Meticulous CPM scheduling and tracking

• Baseline comparison charts

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6. Construction Phase

Once the critical elements of the design are completed the construction phase begins.  This is usually divided into two parts - Preconstruction and Construction.


During preconstruction the QPC management team creates a preliminary program for the phased execution of the work.


Critical elements such as infrastructure and logistics will begin first.

• Contractors will be presented and vetted for inclusion into tenders

• Tender packages will be assembled

• Pre tender site visits and meetings will be conducted

• Tenders will be accepted and analyzed

• Value engineering will be executed for items that may be out of budget

•  Recommendations for hire will be made

Once the contractor(s) are chosen, pre-construction planning meetings are conducted and the contractor(s) mobilize to the project under the direction of QPC and KHHGD.

• Pre-tender contractor vetting

• Preliminary scheduling

• Tender packages

• Pre-tender meetings

• Tender analysis and recommendations

• Value engineering

• Contract negotiations

• Pre-construction meetings

• Project management staffing

• Contractor mobilization

• Project management

• Quantity survey

• Quality control

• Budget control

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